Implementing the 8-Step Process for Floodplain Impact Assessment


Participants in this course learn about Executive Order (E.O.) 11988’s procedural requirements, E.O. 13690 and the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS), and coordination with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process.  They also explore how to find a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for a property, how to determine the appropriate floodplain for the 8-Step decision-making process, and when Class Reviews and Simplified Evaluation and Review Processes can be used.


Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand the E.O. EO 11988 and 13690 requirements and Guidelines on Floodplain Management.

  • Understand Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Requirements.

  • Understand the 8-Step Floodplain Review Process and coordination with the NEPA process.

  • Understand when Class Reviews and Simplified Evaluation and Review Processes can be used.


We tailor each workshop to meet the needs of the participants. The basic format of the interactive workshop includes the following components:

  • Learning the requirements of E.O. 11988 and E.O. 13690 and the fundamental principles associated with the Orders.

  • Understanding when the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) applies to a proposed project.

  • Use the Federal Emergency Management Administration’s (FEMA) Mapping Tool to determine if a location has delineated special flood hazard areas, and how to use FFRMS Floodplain Determination Job Aid.

  • Apply the E.O. 11988 mandated 8-Step process to a project, including the Importance of public involvement and alternatives.



Participants for this training generally include project managers, responsible officials, and staff who need to learn and apply the FFRMS and 8-Step process to a Federally-funded project.


Implementing the 8-Step Process for Floodplain Impact Assessment is an interactive workshop. For optimum learning, class size is limited to between 15 and 25 participants. This 1-day session consists of a carefully designed combination of the following:

  • 60% Lecture

  • 40% Discussion and exercises


Participants receive a workshop booklet designed to support the instruction and to serve as an ongoing reference.