Comprehensive NEPA Warrant I curriculum (32 Hours) – Course Number – WI 5

This comprehensive training fulfills all of the requirements for the U.S. Coast Guard Warrant I curriculum:

NEPA Overview and Basic Requirements (8 Hours) – Course Number – WI-1

Session 1 Overview and regulatory structure  (2 hrs)

o   Overview of the History and need for NEPA (30 min)

o   Overview of the revised CEQ regulations and basic structure of required documents (CEs, EAs, and EIS, RODs, and FONSIs).

o   Coast Guard NEPA regulations and guidance.

o   Basic structure and use of documents.

o   Case study on the NEPA process (10 exam questions)

Session 2— Problem and Analysis Framing  (2 hrs)

o   Development of a focused Purpose and Need

o   The proposal and its parts.

o   Scoping, public involvement and issues.

o   Development of alternatives.

o   Cause-effect analysis.

o   Case studies for P&N, scoping, and alternatives (5 exam questions)

Session 3—Special Topics (2 hrs)

o   Cooperating agencies and regulatory consultations.

o   Contracting NEPA and the requirements.

o   How to address Incomplete and unavailable information (data gaps).

o   Appropriate application of NEPA in emergency situations.

o   Case studies on cooperating agencies and contracting (5 exam questions)

Session 4— Legal Standards and APA Records Management (1hr 30 min)

o   Arbitrary and capricious and hard look standards.

o   Significance criteria and how to apply.

o   How to write FONSIs and RODs.

o   The planning record and administrative record under the APA.

o   Case studies on records and decision documents. (5 exam questions)

Session 5 -- Final exam (30 min—to be submitted for grading, 15 questions).

Total student hours 8 hours

Migratory Bird Treaty Act / Coastal Zone Management Act (8 Hours) – Course Number – WI-2

Session 1—Legal Overview (1 hour)

o   Overview of the History development 

o   Provisions for protection and management

o   Civil and criminal penalties

o   Executive Order 13186

Session 2—Specific Provision and Enforcement (2 hrs).

o   Authorities of F&WLS and Coast Guard

o   Compliance provisions for Federal agencies

o   Permitting provisions and processes

o   Personal liabilities under the law

o   Intersection with other laws

Session 3—Recent Developments (30 min)

o   Case law provisions and interpretations

o   Developing Legal issues

o   Wind development projects (on-shore and off-shore)

o   Recent Executive Orders and regulation changes

Session 4  CZMA History and overview (1 hr)

o   Origin and context for the law

o   Important requirements of the law

o   State primacy and authorities

o   Applicability to Federal agencies

Session 5 – State Coastal Zone Management Planning (30 min)

o   Coastal Zone plan required content

o   Development process

o   Contrasting state plans and approaches

o   Approval of state plans

Session 6—Consistency Analysis (2 hrs)

o   Regulation overview and consistency analyses requirements.

o   Similarities and differences among state approaches.

o   State by state consistency process
Objection and appeal of disagreements

Session 7 --  Developing Policies (30 min)

o   Court cases that set requirements for Federal compliance.

o   Case studies that exemplify compliance issues.

Session 8 --  Exam (30 hr)

Total student hours 8 hours

Endangered Species Act (8 Hours) – Course Number – WI-3

Session 1 – Statute Overview and History (1 hr )

o   History of the ESA from the early 1900s

o   Ranking of cases and status of species

o   Definitions; Threatened, Endangered, candidate

o   Agency authorities and penalties

Session 2—Listing of Species and Critical Habitat (1 and ½ hrs)

o   Criteria for listing species

o   The process for listing species

o   The process for delisting species

o   The process and requirements for designation of critical habitat

Session 3 Federal Agency Consultation—Section 7 (4 hrs)

o   The Federal Section 7 consultation process

o   Biological Assessments and evaluations

o   Informal consultation and how it works

o   Formal Consultation and how it works

o   Biological opinions; reasonable and prudent alternatives

o   Incidental take permits

o   Integration with NEPA

o   Cumulative actions under NEPA versus ESA

Session 4— Private land Owner Agreements – Section 10 (1 Hr)

o   Habitat conservation plans

·      The process

·      The content

o   Safe harbor provisions

o   Mitigation measures – including monitoring

o   Funding to implement mitigation

o   Procedures to address unforeseen events

o   Integration with NEPA

·      Alternative actions considered

·      Reasons for eliminating alternatives

Session 5— Take home exam, 15 questions – (30 min)

Total student hours 8 hours

National Historic Preservation Act (8 Hours) – Course Number - WI-4

Session 1 – Statute Overview and History (1 hr)

o   History of the NHPA and connections to the Antiquities Act

o   Important definitions of terms; the National Advisory Council. States Historic Preservation Offices

o    Park Service as the “keeper,” and

o   what is an “undertaking.”

Session 2—NHPA Organization Structure and Processes (2 hrs)

o   The National Advisory Council and how it works

o   Important sections of the Act and their requirements

o   What qualifies as a historic properties and traditional cultural properties.

o   Federal agencies responsibilities for protection or properties.

o   Professional standards for involvement under Section 112

o   Case studies on listings for the National Register. 

Session 3—Federal Consultations Under Section 106 of the Act. (3 hrs)

o   When Section 106 consultation is triggered

o   Integration of Section 106 with NEPA

o   The process for consultation and reaching agreement with SHPOs and THPOs

o   Advisory Council role and consultation process

o   Program agreements and how they work

o   Case studies on important court cases

Session 4—Other Related Statutes and Requirements. (1hr 30 min)

o   Intersection with the NAGPA, APREA, ARPA, and the AIRFA statues

o   Executive Orders that expand on the NHPA and other related natural resource protection statues.

o   An overview and application of the National Historic Lighthouse Protection Act. 

Session 5 – 15 question take home exam (30 min)

Total student hours 8 hours

NEPA Overview and Basic Requirements / Migratory Bird Treaty Act / Coastal Zone Management Act / Endangered Species Act / National Historic Preservation Act / (32 Hours) - Course Number - WI-5